Rabu, 02 November 2011

Autism Treatment - Hyperkeratosis Pilaris and Autism

During the years of my practice in the treatment of children with autism, I have seen many of them with something called hyperkeratosis pilaris. A hyperkeratosis pilaris is bumpy skin often seen on the back of the hand, it can also bee seen on the upper thighs and cheeks. It is yet to be attributed to heredity as caused by the accumulation of skin cells in these places. Using skin puff pad rub the area with the bumps seem to be effective in treating it. But there is another theory which hyperkeratosis pilaris is really caused by low thyroid function, and that the body can not convert beta carotene into vitamin A.

And we believe that hypothyroidism is another potential factor hyperkeratosis pilaris. If you want to see these questions on a test, you are OK with blood, there are several things you can učiniti.Prvi run TSH test, which stands for thyroid stimulating hormone, and the other is to run free T3 and free T4. And what you see is that the T3 and T4 levels, especially T3 levels to be in the upper two thirds of what is considered the normal reference range for the proper functioning of the thyroid. You can look at the overall functioning of the hypothalamus and pituitary to connect, but your thyroid tests are much more invasive than what can be done only in laboratory settings and more expensive as well. Therefore, a good way to go to work TSH, free T3 and free T4.

It is also wise to connect with other symptoms of low thyroid function. So, if your child has hyperkeratosis pilaris plus they have a lower body temperature, and they tend to always have cold hands and feet cold plus they suffer from constipation, thyroid function can be a problem. You May want to decide if supplementing with thyroid medication option. I like to use Armorthyroid because it is more natural thyroid medication and it is better than using more synthetic form. However, the drug may be effective in boosting thyroid function in children with thyroid problems. Adding to the thyroid medication can help the brain, and overall metabolism. So, hyperkeratosis pilaris is a possible indicator of low thyroid function and to check on something more with the appropriate blood tests.

READ MORE - Autism Treatment - Hyperkeratosis Pilaris and Autism

Mild and Severe Autism, ADD, and ADHD: A Path to Recovery

Today, thousands of families are faced with either mild or severe autism situation, developing shortly after their children vaccinated. It showed a video and photographs that the children are normal before vaccination.

More and more children are diagnosed with mild or severe autism and just general learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, ADD or ADHD. There is increasing evidence that thimerosal, is known internationally as thimerosal, used in vaccines may be the cause. Mercury is the main ingredient in thimerosal, which is a vaccine preservative.

There are many symptoms of severe autism, which is almost identical to that of mercury poisoning. Virtual disorders, immune dysfunction and motor dysfunction are seen in oba.Terapije for children with severe autism focus on the removal of heavy metals, including mercury has shown great improvement in their symptoms. However, much caution will be given, since many chelators to work too quickly and can damage the baby. Mineral supplements that include zinc, calcium and magnesium, selenium, vitamin E, and chromium, showed that more useful.

Jenny McCarthy Book of Healing and preventing autism, co-author Dr. Jerry Kartzinel, MD, of the essential minerals are exactly the supplements that they recommend and the claim is used in successful programs oporavak.Problem autism is that 99% of people not getting their recommended dose of these essential minerals -. Due to modern farming techniques and world environmental pollution

Other important natural foods and supplements that Dr. Kartzinel recommended for mild and severe autism include recovery of colostrum, and cod liver oil.

Raw milk camels also proved very useful -. But most people have never heard of this option, nor do they have no idea where to get it

Studies have shown that vitamin D3 supplements shown to reduce symptoms of severe autism. The culprit food to take note of are:. Gluten, pasteurized cow's milk, preservatives, hydrogenated oils, artificial sweeteners and coloring agents

Although there is no specific test for autism, the diagnosis may be observing the behavior of the child. Usually, parents are often the first to realize that their child is not acting in accordance with the age level.

severe autism, a brain disorder that can cause harmful and withdrawn behavior is growing rapidly especially evident in the Somalis people who have emigrated to Minnesota from refugee camps in Kenya.

In rural Somalia, where there is no vaccine, severe autism is virtually non-existence. Those Somalis children who were born in the United States developed severe autism. Many in the alternative health research community argue that there is little doubt that Thimerosal consists of 49.6 percent of the mercury is a factor in severe autism.

To reduce the symptoms of autism (or ADD, ADHD), avoid toxic therapies for autism, autism diagnosis and understanding of one overwhelmed with information. We provide free phone consultations anywhere in the world in order to sort through what you read to find what shows the real results.

We believe that when you get the answers you are seeking your life will change and the diagnosis of autism will be something that no longer puts the financial and emotional strain on your life.

There are a lot of money to the false promises of those inside and outside the medical community. Our goal is to provide real help to those in need - anywhere in the world

mild to severe autism or ADD, ADHD, does not mean the end of a wonderful life - until the beginning of the journey where you will be blessed with health information that can benefit not only their autistic child, but also yourself and those you love.

READ MORE - Mild and Severe Autism, ADD, and ADHD: A Path to Recovery

Finding a Doctor who Understands Autism

Even if the bedwetting is not a challenge for you, finding a doctor who understands autism can be an obstacle you will overcome. Why? If the doctor has had any experience with autism, it would be unlikely to be able to help effectively diagnose and treat the condition. Autism is not a simple pervasive development disorder that can be solved by medication or a few trips to the psychiatrist. This is a serious disorder that affects people differently, making each case specific to the individual.

So, no matter if you or your child's pediatrician suspected autism, it is essential to your child and their future that they are from someone who specializes in diagnosing and treating autism spectrum disorder. This means that your child may require more than one doctor who specializes in autism.

The following is a list of medical professionals who could make a multidisciplinary assessment of the autistic child requires:

A child psychiatrist -. It can help determine the initial diagnosis, prescribe medications and helps autistic deal with social relations and the development of emotional behavior

of a clinical psychologist - a specialist who understands the impact and nature of autism and other developmental disorders of disability. They can conduct psychological assessment test and help with social skills training and behavior modification.

on the development of pediatric -. Treats children with health problems related to difficulties or delays in the development of

on the language / speech therapy - helps improve communication skills, focusing on language and speech


O Occupational therapist - focuses on helping those with disabilities to develop practical and daily self-help skills such as eating and dressing. They can also focus on fine motor skills, sensory integration and coordination of movement.

of the physical therapist - helps the child to improve coordination and motor skills by strengthening muscles, joints, nerves and bones

A social worker -. It can help you organize treatments and services and can provide counseling

Once you find the professionals your child needs, it is imperative to work closely with njima.Razlog is because, even though experts have experience with autism, which are the most experienced when it comes to certain information about your child's needs and abilities .

to work effectively together with the experts you need:
o Educate - Learn as much as you can about autism
Prepare on-write any questions or concerns you have about your child's autism or treat and resolve them with the expert (s)
Open communication about - you do not have to agree with everything the expert said. If you do not agree with the recommendation is an opinion.

If you are not sure where you can find the right professionals who specialize in autism, the following are some suggestions:

O in your community - visit health care provider, hospital or pharmacist and ask them if they know who is engaged in diagnosing and treating autism. You can also contact your government's health department. Just remember, even if they're from someone, it may not be looking for a specialist. Do not be afraid to find out their experiences before making a commitment.

about Internet resource - the internet is a fantastic resource and has plenty of useful and helpful information about autism, understanding and effectively helping Autistics, and how to get help in your community. Some great sites you can check the

The Autism Society of America (autism-society.org)

The Autism Treatment Services of Canada (autisim.ca)

The National Autistic Society (nas.org.uk)

O AutisimHelpForYou.com

O Autistics.org

A support group - getting involved in a support group that is designed to reach out to Autistics and their families can be very useful for finding a professional, as you can ask for referrals to other members. Support groups also provide encouragement when times are tough, and allow you the opportunity to discuss autism with others who know what you are experiencing.

READ MORE - Finding a Doctor who Understands Autism

Children's Health - How to Treat Autism in a Conventional Perspective

I. Definitions

Conventional medicine is also known as western medicine. It is a system of medical approach in which physicians and other health professionals such as nurses, medical technicians and specialists and therapists, etc., use drugs, radiation, surgery and medical equipment to treat symptoms and diseases.

II. As conventional medicine effects of autism

A. Diagnosis
For the disease is treated effectively, the conventional doctor must first diagnose what causes the symptoms of disease or illness. It is through the blood, the logical screen, psychological and physical examination, and so the diagnosis of children with developmental disorders is always a stressful time and the road for parents and children, because every doctor in conventional medicine is mainly specialized in one field and can not do any proposal beyond his or her professional judgments. You May be recommended to see other experts if deemed necessary. Because autism is a complex disease, it requires a team of doctors before it can be diagnosed accurately and many misdiagnoses are made​​, leading to overwhelming pressure and time wasting for parents and their children. Fortunately, many cases of autism is properly diagnosed and treated accordingly.

To avoid wasting your time, here is a basic list of doctors and specialists that are required for all children with developmental disorders to be diagnosed correctly:

a. Develop and conduct pediatric
B. Paediatric Neurologist
c. Children psychiatrist
d. Child Psychology
e. Speech and Language Pathologist
f. work of the therapist
Mr. physiotherapist
h. Play therapist
I. The social worker

Some children may require more or less than the list of top experts in their journey to find a cure, but we believe this is a basic list for quick and correct diagnosis.

B. The types of conventional treatment

1 animal therapy
Animal therapy is the focus for improvement in inter action between children and animals, thereby increasing the child believes in building a relation ship, as well as sensory and motor problems.

2 Auditory integration therapy
The program uses a modified music and sound in order to correct the problems of children in the processing and speech understanding and sound.

3 augmentative communication
Augmentative communication helps to support the child out of communication by acting as a bridge to speech development, or providing alternative, if the speech does not develop. It includes a picture exchange communication, image and symbol displays, technological support for communication, sign language and body language.

4 behavioral treatments
The goal of behavior therapy to help autistic children overcome emotional, behavioral and cognitive disorders through goal-oriented, systematic procedure. He said that this type of treatment has proven successful in treating mood, anxiety, personality, eating, substance abuse, and psychotic disorders in several stages.

5 chelation
Because children with autism have impaired secretion system, Cchelation helps remove heavy metals accumulated in the brain through medication to IV or by mouth or rubbed on the skin. Although, this is a new treatment, but in theory, it reduces the physical and behavioral.

6 diet
The daily diet is always important for autistic or not autistic children. Since most children with autism have a problem with weakened immune systems and problems with toxic elimination, food intake, which will help to strengthen and improve the immune elimination of toxins will do no harm, and avoid eating foods that can raise allergy and digestive problems are always important. Selection of fresh and organic foods are always carefully will help to reduce the metabolic requirements for autistic children.

7 Discrete trial training
Discrete trial training is a program that helps to improve basic skills for autistic children
) Before learning skills such as sitting, attending, look at your mate and class teachers, etc.
b) certain skills as they know their name, address, telephone number, parents, etc.
Before children can continue to more complex language, academic and social skills early in breaking off a small portion of the skills taught and the repetitive exercises. The process of children's record and awarded if the answer is appropriate.

8 Facilitated communication
The program helps non verbal students to communicate with others, while someone else helps to support your arms and hands.

9 immunological treatments
Type of therapy helps to change the immune system deficit for children with autism, including steroids, intravenous infusions and munoglobulin, depending on the child's diagnosis. These treatments may carry the risk of long-term health. There are many plants that can help, such as ginkgo boliba if you want to use herbs or other alternative treatment for this type of disorder, please consult a physician before using.

10 medicines
A drug that is used by conventional medicine for treating some symptoms of autism, such as hyperactive, anxiety, Moodswing, seizure, gastrointestinal disorder proved very effective, but with some side effects, so it is for child benefit to doses as low as possible:

) tranquilizer
i) Effects of
Tranquilizers were thioridazine (Mellaril), chlorpromazine (Thorazine), haloperidol (Haldol) and risperidol (Risperdal), which will help in treating symptoms of behavior problems that govern the production of dopamine, thereby increasing their attention and concentration at school and at home by making them more able to learn.
ii) side effects include tranquilizers
* Sedation or drowsiness.
** Less common side effects include changes in liver function, effects on blood cells, restlessness or agitation, skin sensitivity to sun, and a true allergic reaction
*** Re onset of symptoms if the medication is stopped

b) serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors
i) Effects of
It works well for children with depression and anxiety disorders, regulates the production of serotonin, which is vital for responsible and control of basic physiological aspects of body
ii) side effects
* Retention of urine
** Easily agitated or upset.
*** Dizziness and fatigue
**** Change in appetite and sleep, etc.

11 music therapy
Music therapy is the emphasis on the use of music through singing, movement and musical instruments to facilitate learning, communication and social skills.

12 occupational therapy
Occupational therapy is a type of program, helping to compromise, physically, intellectually or emotionally to integrate coping skills into their lives in order to perform necessary tasks. But for children with autism, the main goal of occupational therapy is to integrate sensory perception through the identification and interpretation of sensory stimuli based largely on memory, so it helps the child to get a more peaceful frame of mind and concentrate on specific tasks.

13 Play therapy
Play therapy is the focus in using the game to improve language, speech, communication, emotional and social skills.

14 physical Therapy
Physical therapy is also known as fizioterapije.Glavni goal of this program is to develop, maintain and restore maximum movement and functional abilities of children with autism, such as walking, jumping, running, etc. so that children can increase their physical strength, balance and mobility, and better sensory integration.

15 Rapid-promoting methods
Soma Mukhopadhyay is the founder of fast-stimulation method. The method includes the continuous, rapid questioning and in combination with the use of low-tech letter boards for the PIR communication to the students attention and fast response speed of students.

16 recreational therapy
Encourage the child to participate in some kind of sport like swimming, gymnastics, dance, etc., thereby increasing awareness of the child's social interactions.

17 Relationship development intervention
Relationship development intervention autism believes children can adapt authentic emotional relationships with others and in different environments, if they are given the opportunity to learn them in a gradual, systematic way by using a highly structured games, exercises, back and forth focused communication, sharing of experiences and play with others help to build mutual experiences in social relationships.

18. Social skill group
Children play together under the supervision of parents and professionals such as psychologists, it helps to improve social interaction and social skills, thereby increasing awareness of child inappropriate behavior and interest in playing with other children.

19 Social stories
Until the story simple story with lots of pictures, and sometimes words, the program improves autistic children's self help and social skills and to prepare the child for the change routines in the new environment.

20 Son-Rise
Son-rise is one of the methods taught to parents with autistic children in the 70's, unfortunately, has published an independent study has tested the effectiveness programa.Program believes acceptance of autistic children as they are, without a preconceived and interact with them with positive, enthusiastic way and encouraging children to more meaningful communication that can help children overcome verbal and interactive social deficits.

21 Speech and language therapy
This is a program designed to enhance the ability of autistic children in speech production, vocal production, swallowing and language needs and use jezika.Program can be run through a variety of contexts, including schools, hospitals and private clinics, or therapist's office.

22 Treatment and education of autistic and related communication handicaps
This is a class program with the aim to teach autistic children work independently, life communication and social skills with an emphasis on repetitive routines, image distribution and structural settings.

23 verbal behavior
It was first discovered by Skinner, a psychologist. It helps children to language and speech termination penalty in small part, and taught in a systematic way of assessing the minute details of the initial communication skills and progress through the gaps filling. A parent is required to answer and reward your child as well. As communication skills progress, the children learn to make a request, ask questions and engage in complex conversation. The program is just a theory with a few experimental studies until recently.

24 vision therapy
Vision Therapy May be required if the child is suspected to have problems seeing or understanding and learning what he or she sees.

25 Vitamins and supplements
Because children with autism is a lack of vitamin B6, vitamin E and other trace minerals, it is no harm if taken in small doses. If you want to use them, or high doses, consult your physician before using.

In fact, there is one type of treatment that is likely to be effective for all children and all families. Instead, interventions will need to be adapted to individual needs and value access.

READ MORE - Children's Health - How to Treat Autism in a Conventional Perspective

Autism Intervention - Testing For Heavy Metal Toxicity For Children With an Autism-Spectrum Disorder

specialist Autism Intervention Doctor explains Heavy Metal Testing porphyrins

biomedical autism intervention uses a series of diagnostic tools for assessing the underlying heavy metal toxicity. As a biomedical treatment of autism heavy metal detoxification therapy is an important intervention to remove the toxic effect of things such as mercury, lead, arsenic and other bodies in the development of a child with autism. These metals are known to have neurological otrovne.Jedinstven way to assess the cellular toxicity of heavy metals is to use a urine test called profil.Porphyrin porphyrin analysis is an important part of biomedical autism intervention.

What are porphyrins?

porphyrins are proteins in our body responsible for creating heme. Heme is a carrier protein for iron in hemoglobin. This hemogloblin complex (+ heme iron) is what carries oxygen throughout our bodies. Without the heme are not in any way to conserve iron and no way to transport oxygen throughout the body. Obviously, this is not a positive thing for health, such as the oxygen necessary for life. Porphyrins are also involved in supporting cells in the liver that are responsible for detoxification. Without proper porphyrin production of our body's ability to detoxify toxins in severely compromised.

porphyrins and Alzheimers Disease:

in the course of Alzheimer's research shows that the formation of a substance called beta-amyloid (hereinafter referred to as "senile plaque") is responsible for the formation of plaque in the brain, specific for Alzheimer's disease. Heme is responsible for removing beta-amyloid. Without adequate heme formation are at risk for beta-amyloid accumulation, and possibly Alzheimer's disease.

porphyrins and heavy metals:

There is a rare genetic disorder that causes dysfunction in porphyrin production. These manifest themselves as specific genetic enzyme defect which directly affects a certain point in porphyrin biochemistry. However, it is well known that mercury (and other metals) may significantly affect porphyrin biochemisty as well, according to interfere with enzymes that help the production of heme. Mercury and lead are the main culprits, and if the porphyrin profile indicates a problem in the production of porphyrin live and / or lead toxicity should certainly be high on the list of causal factors.

READ MORE - Autism Intervention - Testing For Heavy Metal Toxicity For Children With an Autism-Spectrum Disorder

How Autism is Diagnosed

characters and levels of Autism vary in each child. This can make diagnosis difficult acquisition. Children at higher levels of autism spectrum may go years without a diagnosis. There May reasons that go into autism diagnosis. We'll go over some of the criteria used to diagnose a child with autism.

Doctors have a checklist that must be met before the possibility of autism is sumnjiva.Nekoliko signs on the checklist are poor relationships with friends, focusing on one thing for very long periods of time, poor communication skills, and insisting on certain procedures or rituals. When these signs are displayed in the child's doctor will want to measure a child dalje.Liječnik will question the child mothers and fathers, or any other persons who have close contact with the boy. They can send home a form for you and the child's tutor to fill in. After the doctor back shape will compare the forms and look for similar results. If the results are all signs something is wrong further testing will be considered.

Children also develop at their own rate. So, Mom and Dad have concerns about their child not reaching developmental milestones on time may question the doctor for further ispitivanje.Liječnik will ask a series of questions parents. If the answers match the criteria for Autism the doctor will order a further assessment will be completed. Remember each child grows and matures at their own rate, so May just be a late bloomer.

There is no single test that can definitively say their child has autism. This will require several meetings with other health professionals to eliminate other conditions that might be creating problems in your child. Often, the kid who was late to talk is suspected of having a hearing issue first. After this is checked then the doctor can move on to the assessment of autism. Several health conditions can mimic the signs of autism. Children should always be assessed for any other conditions that could lead to the same characters as Autism first.

To receive a diagnosis of autism your child will be evaluated by team doctors. They will include physicians, psychologists, address therapist, neurologist and psychiatrist. After the boy's team will help you see and compare their findings. Then they will have a meeting with moms and dads to talk about their discoveries. If a diagnosis of autism is made ​​Plan will be set in place.

Each child will show different signs of autism, and the level goes through it will be different. So it may take longer acquired a diagnosis of autism in some children. Once you have the diagnosis is most important to begin intervention plana.Plan treatment will help make the life of your Autistic child better. Although there is no cure for autism, medications available can help to lesson the symptoms.

READ MORE - How Autism is Diagnosed

MRT Testing Is Helpful For Food Intolerance And Sensitivity That Is Not Caused By Food Allergies

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food intolerance and sensitivity reactions are due to allergies:

Certain foods, food additives and chemicals can trigger immune reactions that are not due to allergies. Chemical mediators released the immune system are able to produce different bodily reactions and symptoms. Avoiding foods that produce such a reaction is assumed to solve, or at least significantly improve symptoms resulting from eating those foods. Mediator release (MRT) test measures the release of chemical mediators from white blood cells and platelets in response to certain foods, additives and chemicals. Such chemical reactions probably indicate a sensitivity to these foods or supplements.

Principles of commercially available tests mediator release (MRT ):

Commercially available mediator release testing (MRT, Signet Diagnostic Corporation) is based on measuring the levels of various mediators of the immune response chemicals released in response to food or chemicals on you become sensitive or netolerantni.Rezultat is that when exposed to these foods or chemicals in the blood cells release various chemicals that may change the ratio of matter (station) to liquid (serum) levels that can be mjeriti.Bijela blood cells and platelets reduce the volume of fluid povećava.Stupanj change can be measured and reported as mild or moderate to severe degree of sensitivity corresponding to that particular food additives and chemicals.

The test results of 150 foods and chemicals, combined with the elimination diet and counseling:

of 150 plates of food and chemicals (123 foods and 27 chemicals) is dostupna.Hranu or chemicals to produce abnormal reactions are summarized in the color table provided with a comprehensive report that contains the result of a specific plan based on the elimination diet with the addition of few hours of personalized consultation with a dietitian.

Insurance MRT food sensitivity and intolerance testing:

Several insurance carriers to pay for at least part of the cost of this test, however, because it is considered "out of network" for most patients' plans are usually responsible for payment of services. Some carriers consider testing "experimental" or not certified and therefore does not cover testing.

Terms used by the MRT testing are migraines, IBS, fatigue and fibromyalgia:

Signet of the market testing for several conditions on the basis of limited published research in combination with their large clinical experience and patient testimonials. They claim success with reducing or eliminating a myriad of symptoms or conditions. These include migraine headaches, autistic behavior, anxiety, depression, ADD, sinus and ear, nose and throat, irritable bowel syndrome, vomiting syndrome, Celiac, chronic abdominal pain, bladder problems, fibromyalgia, arthritis, eczema, hives, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

skeptical doctor and frustrated patients looking for answers:

At first I was skeptical about MRT. However, I started it advocates a few months ago, because many of my patients have ongoing symptoms or findings that suggested course of food intolerance and sensitivity, but the tests available to us could not tell us what food or foods can be a problem. After reviewing the available research data I concluded MRT testing is adequate scientific basis to recommend it as an option for those who are interested and would consider making changes in diet based on the results.

Professional food allergy doctors and patients find the MRT test is valid and useful

So far, my experience is that most of those who have been testing and implementing changes in the diet as a result indicated a significant improvement in a variety of gastrointestinal and non-gastrointestinal symptoms. I also noticed some very interesting patterns in people with other allergies. It seems that a strong correlation with food pollen cross reaction, more commonly known as oral allergy syndrome (OAS). I am following this systematic and hope to formally report their observations in the future.

Prior to available testing and diet interventions do not provide relief for some patients:

All of my patients who have decided to undergo testing MRT has already been tested for celiac disease, and most had food allergy testing, as well as upper and lower endoscopy with biopsy examinations. It has been already tried dietary interventions. Some had tests that confirm one or more food allergies, celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, or the presence of mast cell enterocolitis, eosinophilic esophagitis, gastroenteritis, or colitis or lymphocytic enteritis. Although most had some improvement with dietary interventions based on their previous tests, there are many ongoing symptoms with or without ambiguous or negative test food allergies.

Get the MRT test and try the elimination diet:

I believe MRT testing is a useful addition to the assessment and treatment in case of intolerance hrane.Ispitivanje not require a doctor's order. If your doctor is not familiar with the testing can learn in. If your doctor does not order the seal test can help you find a doctor in your area or you can get a test in the on-line konzultacije.Uklanjanje diet based on certain foods to which you are intolerant, but not necessarily allergic to May will be the key to relief from various symptoms and conditions. If you are suspecting food intolerance, testing today.

READ MORE - MRT Testing Is Helpful For Food Intolerance And Sensitivity That Is Not Caused By Food Allergies

Quantum Brain Healing Treats Food Allergies To Improve Autism

quantum brain treatment cure for autism with a number of alternative therapies and dietary changes. These treatments address food allergies, and detoxification, among other issues. There are many claims of trying to tie the syndrome of autism spectrum vaccine in young children diagnosed as usually happens when children are young. This may be the case, or the vaccine can cause disease in children with challenged immune sustav.Manjkav immune system can react in a variety of triggers such as chemicals, pollutants, foods, colors, medications and environmental allergens. One-third of autistic children suffer from epilepsy. Emotional trauma for a child with a compromised immune system can provide a mechanism for the symptoms of autism appear or worsen.

May there be many nutritional issues that are involved in autism. The immune system can allow gaps relatively safe substance for the production of large adverse events in patients. There are several theories which develop from the base that much illness is the result of allergies. After the allergy cleared, disease or symptoms disappear. NAET includes this concept in their methods of treatment to heal the body after clearing alergena.Rotacija diet, elimination diet, gluten free diet and casein free diet, and other examples of reduction of food allergy.

every autistic child should have allergy tests checked and diagnostic testing for vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Autistic children are often deficient in selenium, lithium, and cholesterol. Vitamins and nutritional supplements should be started after the test in hand. Quantum Healing Brain monitors progress with food allergies to see how quickly reduce symptoms. Many children use NAET are a lot better after one year of treatment.

READ MORE - Quantum Brain Healing Treats Food Allergies To Improve Autism

Autism Symptoms Checklist - Symptoms of Autism That Many People Ignore

symptoms of autism appear just brighter for most patients or caregivers when they gathered more information about the condition. Without knowing some autistic behaviors expected of victims, it is difficult to decipher the presence of the condition. This article looks at some of the unusual behavior is known with autistic patients.

Some of these unusual behaviors are:

- They have restricted interests or repetitive behaviors.
- When you focus on any one thing, they lose interest in everything else.
- They can not be stopped in any of the work, otherwise it would throw a fit or tantrum, and will probably end up hurting yourself.
- They play with their toys in often bizarre ways, they are lining up or spinning wheels of the car rather than trying to drive.
- They insist on doing things the same way all the time, and if you interrupt this process, they throw a fit - for example, they can insist on the same meal each day, the same road to the church, the same clothes, etc..
- They tend to be repeated body movements such as rocking back and forth, flailing his arms and spinning.
- It is customary to have an autistic child is complaining of abdominal pain or constipation from time to time, or even diarrhea.
- Also, they tend to be very sensitive to certain stimuli such as sounds and touch, and can respond if you mind the rain, driving by car, or a loud noise around them.
- More so, the patient may appear to be retarded, but can show some skills in some areas such as mathematics, science or art. These are called scholar skills of the scholar's syndrome.

READ MORE - Autism Symptoms Checklist - Symptoms of Autism That Many People Ignore

MRT Testing Is Helpful For Food Intolerance And Sensitivity That Is Not Caused By Food Allergies

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food intolerance and sensitivity reactions are due to allergies:

Certain foods, food additives and chemicals can trigger immune reactions that are not due to allergies. Chemical mediators released the immune system are able to produce different bodily reactions and symptoms. Avoiding foods that produce such a reaction is assumed to solve, or at least significantly improve symptoms resulting from eating those foods. Mediator release (MRT) test measures the release of chemical mediators from white blood cells and platelets in response to certain foods, additives and chemicals. Such chemical reactions probably indicate a sensitivity to these foods or supplements.

Principles of commercially available tests mediator release (MRT ):

Commercially available mediator release testing (MRT, Signet Diagnostic Corporation) is based on measuring the levels of various mediators of the immune response chemicals released in response to food or chemicals on you become sensitive or netolerantni.Rezultat is that when exposed to these foods or chemicals in the blood cells release various chemicals that may change the ratio of matter (station) to liquid (serum) levels that can be mjeriti.Bijela blood cells and platelets reduce the volume of fluid povećava.Stupanj change can be measured and reported as mild or moderate to severe degree of sensitivity corresponding to that particular food additives and chemicals.

The test results of 150 foods and chemicals, combined with the elimination diet and counseling:

of 150 plates of food and chemicals (123 foods and 27 chemicals) is dostupna.Hranu or chemicals to produce abnormal reactions are summarized in the color table provided with a comprehensive report that contains the result of a specific plan based on the elimination diet with the addition of few hours of personalized consultation with a dietitian.

Insurance MRT food sensitivity and intolerance testing:

Several insurance carriers to pay for at least part of the cost of this test, however, because it is considered "out of network" for most patients' plans are usually responsible for payment of services. Some carriers consider testing "experimental" or not certified and therefore does not cover testing.

Terms used by the MRT testing are migraines, IBS, fatigue and fibromyalgia:

Signet of the market testing for several conditions on the basis of limited published research in combination with their large clinical experience and patient testimonials. They claim success with reducing or eliminating a myriad of symptoms or conditions. These include migraine headaches, autistic behavior, anxiety, depression, ADD, sinus and ear, nose and throat, irritable bowel syndrome, vomiting syndrome, Celiac, chronic abdominal pain, bladder problems, fibromyalgia, arthritis, eczema, hives, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

skeptical doctor and frustrated patients looking for answers:

At first I was skeptical about MRT. However, I started it advocates a few months ago, because many of my patients have ongoing symptoms or findings that suggested course of food intolerance and sensitivity, but the tests available to us could not tell us what food or foods can be a problem. After reviewing the available research data I concluded MRT testing is adequate scientific basis to recommend it as an option for those who are interested and would consider making changes in diet based on the results.

Professional food allergy doctors and patients find the MRT test is valid and useful

So far, my experience is that most of those who have been testing and implementing changes in the diet as a result indicated a significant improvement in a variety of gastrointestinal and non-gastrointestinal symptoms. I also noticed some very interesting patterns in people with other allergies. It seems that a strong correlation with food pollen cross reaction, more commonly known as oral allergy syndrome (OAS). I am following this systematic and hope to formally report their observations in the future.

Prior to available testing and diet interventions do not provide relief for some patients:

All of my patients who have decided to undergo testing MRT has already been tested for celiac disease, and most had food allergy testing, as well as upper and lower endoscopy with biopsy examinations. It has been already tried dietary interventions. Some had tests that confirm one or more food allergies, celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, or the presence of mast cell enterocolitis, eosinophilic esophagitis, gastroenteritis, or colitis or lymphocytic enteritis. Although most had some improvement with dietary interventions based on their previous tests, there are many ongoing symptoms with or without ambiguous or negative test food allergies.

Get the MRT test and try the elimination diet:

I believe MRT testing is a useful addition to the assessment and treatment in case of intolerance hrane.Ispitivanje not require a doctor's order. If your doctor is not familiar with the testing can learn in. If your doctor does not order the seal test can help you find a doctor in your area or you can get a test in the on-line konzultacije.Uklanjanje diet based on certain foods to which you are intolerant, but not necessarily allergic to May will be the key to relief from various symptoms and conditions. If you are suspecting food intolerance, testing today.

READ MORE - MRT Testing Is Helpful For Food Intolerance And Sensitivity That Is Not Caused By Food Allergies

Quantum Brain Healing Treats Food Allergies To Improve Autism

quantum brain treatment cure for autism with a number of alternative therapies and dietary changes. These treatments address food allergies, and detoxification, among other issues. There are many claims of trying to tie the syndrome of autism spectrum vaccine in young children diagnosed as usually happens when children are young. This may be the case, or the vaccine can cause disease in children with challenged immune sustav.Manjkav immune system can react in a variety of triggers such as chemicals, pollutants, foods, colors, medications and environmental allergens. One-third of autistic children suffer from epilepsy. Emotional trauma for a child with a compromised immune system can provide a mechanism for the symptoms of autism appear or worsen.

May there be many nutritional issues that are involved in autism. The immune system can allow gaps relatively safe substance for the production of large adverse events in patients. There are several theories which develop from the base that much illness is the result of allergies. After the allergy cleared, disease or symptoms disappear. NAET includes this concept in their methods of treatment to heal the body after clearing alergena.Rotacija diet, elimination diet, gluten free diet and casein free diet, and other examples of reduction of food allergy.

every autistic child should have allergy tests checked and diagnostic testing for vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Autistic children are often deficient in selenium, lithium, and cholesterol. Vitamins and nutritional supplements should be started after the test in hand. Quantum Healing Brain monitors progress with food allergies to see how quickly reduce symptoms. Many children use NAET are a lot better after one year of treatment.

READ MORE - Quantum Brain Healing Treats Food Allergies To Improve Autism

Recognizing Autism in Its Earlier Stages

In order to properly identify the autistic child or a child, you have to learn everything you can about autism and indicators. This is called neural development disorder whose primary features of social interaction and communication impairment. It is also characterized by behavior that is obviously repetitive or restrictive. According to the number of medical sources, the exact cause of the disorder is not clear. However, most doctors and other health experts agree that it is genetically linked.

ability to process information about a person greatly affect the brain, because it alters or changes the way the synapses of nerve cells connect with one another, and then organize. What he did not fully understand how and why they did it. There are two forms - Asperger Syndrome and PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder-not otherwise specified) -. Yes we are on the autism spectrum, which are also of interest to professionals working with the disorder

Signs of autism is present

Autism in children and infants is manifested in three key areas of development or behavior, linguistic and social. Ironically, two children may have the same diagnosis, but displayed very different activities and levels umijeća.Sljedeći will give you an idea of ​​warnings in these three critical areas of development.

the smallest change in the common routines or rituals are interfering. They develop specific rituals or routines, and early parts of the object (eg a toy car spinning wheels) fascinates them and hold their attention for a long time, despite the presence of any kind of pain. They have an unusual sensitivity to light, sound, and touch. They make constant, repetitive movements (eg, hand flapping, rocking and spinning), while not keeping still for any length of time.

the primary sign that their language development is on track can be b judged by the fact that they do not start talking until about 2 years old. They can not speak good or keep any conversation going and not make eye contact when you are looking for something. They tend to lose previously acquired skills, such as speech or words spoken in complete sentences. They repeated the phrase literally without fully understanding their meaning, speaking in an abnormal rhythm or tone, while using the robot as a speech or sing a song style voice.

Their social skills are impaired, such as appear to be aware of another child or person's feelings, and sometimes it seems like you do not hear or they just ignore you. They avoid eye contact, if made ​​at all. Most of them do not like to be cuddled and held, but prefer to be left alone to live their own dream worlds as well. If you have a child who displays any of these types of behavior, you should probably do at your child's pediatrician, so that they can inspect and test them for autism.

READ MORE - Recognizing Autism in Its Earlier Stages

5 Different Types of Autism - Spectrum

There are various types of autism, and even one guy did not exactly fall into one category, because many categories of autism as there are people who suffer from autism! To be more complex, some autistic people seem to be quite normal at first glance, while others apparently seem to mentally challenge. Some types of autism can be treated with early diagnosis and therapy, and other severe cases may not respond to treatment.

because autism is so broad, it becomes difficult to define a particular type of autism. However, there is a way to gauge the severity of the disorder which can affect the individual. Many professionals can not accept this method and it is not mentioned in many books either, but autistic individuals could be divided based on IQ level. Those who have IQs lower than 80 are categorized as to the "low-functioning" autism (LFA) group and those who score 80 or more in the IQ test are put into the category of "high-functioning autism '(HFA).

IQ levels notwithstanding, the thing that really defines the level of autism is that regardless of the suffering and how well he can take care of themselves. That is why the concept of using IQ tests to categorize autistic individuals remains controversial to this day.

Many high-IQ autistic people actually May find it very difficult to cope alone with their daily lives, a low IQ victims may face minimal problems with their condition. So the above can not be considered an appropriate benchmark for measuring the degree of autism in the type of individual.

Asperger's syndrome and Kanner

and Asperger's syndrome and autistic disorder, Kanner's syndrome are developmental disorders. In the latest scenario, the main difference between them is that Kanner's syndrome shows a more typical and intense symptoms of autistic disorder.

Kanner's syndrome show no obvious 'slow down' the child's skills, delays in speech development and abnormal operation of the child's social and / or psychological ponašanje.Dijete shows no interest in their surroundings and play with his toys or other children oko.Simptomi Kanner's syndrome occurring at the time the child is 3 years.

Asperger's syndrome, on the other hand, are not recorded or marked as "significant clinical delay 'in child development. This is a far milder form of autism that responds well to therapy, as well. This is the reason why some schools of thought use the terms "Asperger syndrome" and "high-functioning autism" interchangeably.

autism spectrum disorders

Some experts believe that autism is closely associated with disorders such as Asperger syndrome and sensory integration dysfunction, which involves degeneration of the ability to integrate information from sense organs.

Although some people believe that all of these conditions overlap and have some common genetic trigger that leads to these conditions, nothing can be said about it definitely. Currently, researchers are still trying to find the exact trigger for these other related diseases.

READ MORE - 5 Different Types of Autism - Spectrum

How Do You Take Care of Kids With Autism?

Caring for children with autism involves more than just giving general treatments or prognosis. Child psychologists around the world agree that taking care of them means to identify the exact symptoms that are exhibited, and adjust the treatment to ensure that the conditions improved and that autism in all its forms becomes smaller obstacles in life. Autism is actually a brain developmental disorder that affects children up to toddlers.

While more commonly seen in children aged 3-5, they may show some of the early warning signs of mental disorder. It affects many functions of the brain and this can include areas of speech, cognitive skills, mental focus, learning and communication. That is why autistic children have difficulty expressing or even responding normally to social situations and stimuli. To properly care for the child with autism, you must identify the specific symptoms that are to be divided into three main categories or classifications. One of them is social development, and the inability for infants and children to respond to social situations. People with normal mental and social functions are able to understand and break down social situations, as well as have some degree of spontaneity when they come face to face meeting with people. Autistic children tend to be very shy and afraid of these situations.

They keep to themselves and often can experience long hours of quiet time while ignoring their peers around them. They are also able to express themselves properly and their lack of understanding causes them to be nervous, afraid and seek shelter their primary care giver, who created this amazingly strong bond s. This is called a form of "social deviance" and can manifest in symptoms as lack of eye contact, acting out, tantrums when faced with social situations, inability to react to the emotions and nonverbal communication. the second category of autistic symptoms, of course, communication problems in the form of an inability to express themselves through speech and expression.

to get to the mechanics issues, autistic children often regress when it comes to normal and natural learning, which means that they must be trained in all nuances of speech therapy in order to ensure that they can effectively communicate with other people. Some children and even old experience an acute communicative problem such as this and so must be treated with a structured learning or speech therapy, even when they are young.

It can also take the form of repetitive behavior, which are either stereotypy, compulsive, ritualistic, restricted, or even just practice injuries. These are sure signs that your child is autistic and therapy must be initiated with a child in jednom.Okoliša is also important, there must be enough parental love and guidance -. The two most important aspects of child support therapy that can improve your chances of running a normal life

READ MORE - How Do You Take Care of Kids With Autism?

How To Determine If Your Child Has Autism

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Recent studies, which are the main topics on TV shows such as Good Morning America and Today Show, that autism is more common than previously thought. One estimate indicates that about 1 in every 150 children has autism, to some extent, a majority of those who are undiagnosed.

must be aware that autism, also known as autistic spectrum disorder, a milder form of it, Asperger syndrome, is not necessarily limited to children. It can affect people of any age, and many older people who have been diagnosed with autism have trouble because they were children, but are simply never diagnosed with it.

People who are afflicted with autism show specific signs and symptoms of trouble. One of the keys to an accurate diagnosis is important to note the presence of these symptoms and whether symptom of note was an isolated incident or whether it is a symptom of the shows over and over again. For example, one of the signs of autism that affected people seem to live in their world, they are clearly problems with social relationships and in fact seems to reject any interaction with another person. Some people say that May is a symptom may also be applied to almost any computer geek, but in all seriousness, this is just one symptom of many possible ones, and that's not laughing matter.

Although there is no "cure" for autism in the same sense that taking aspirin will "cure" a headache, early detection of autism is critical to being able to help the afflicted person cope with him and to minimize the effects of autism in the long limit that person's life. Special teaching skills and methods needed to properly teach and train someone affected with autism, so that they can easily learn to exist in today's world. If left untreated and undiagnosed, the majority of autistic people can not live by themselves, because they often do not have a good sense of what is right in relation to what is wrong, even about everyday mundane things.

Some of the signs and symptoms of autism will include the following:

* autistic people often have poor language skills and, therefore, often have major problems in speech and verbal.

* autistic people do not like to be touched or hugged. Although the arms are usually seen as a sign of love from someone who cares, people afflicted with autism are very uncomfortable with a hug or be touched by another person.

* autistic people have difficulty direct eye contact with another person, and will often go out of their way to avoid direct eye contact.

* autistic people often do not enjoy being in a group setting with others, but prefer to be alone in your world.

* autistic people often have a high sensitivity to light and loud sounds, while at the same time showed a significantly reduced sensitivity to pain.

* autistic people can concentrate for hours at a time on one object, with a concentration so intense that they May not respond to external stimuli, such as someone calling his name.

Autism is a very broad term that covers a lot. To gain insight into other areas related to autism, you might want to familiarize yourself with which is a milder form of autism. Some of some symptoms may also be present if a child is diagnosed with.

One of the biggest problems in the detection of autism is that there is a form that can be monitored and observed. But, if you see your child is constantly exposed to one or more of the above symptoms, you might want to schedule the collection with a trained professional who can perform additional tests to make an accurate diagnosis.

READ MORE - How To Determine If Your Child Has Autism

Reverse Autism

Typically, pediatricians do not know much about autism due to lack of medical journals on the subject. My suggestion is to find D.A.N. physician or pediatrician in the developing world. If it is not possible, it is best to do plenty of research and consult with your pediatrician before starting any dodatke.Doza of these supplements can be very visoka.Posljednja thing you want is any further damage done.

As many of you, I am dedicated to my son's autism back. Here are my suggestions.

biomedical treatment
There are several ways parents back autism in children. One of them is D.A.N. the biomedical treatment. It stands to defeat autism now. Dr.Bernard Rimland is a tremendous resource for autistic children.He is the founder of the Institute of autism research and help create a Defeat Autism Now. Dan is a great resource for biomedical treatment. This treatment involves getting the tests, adding supplements, and enzymes, among others. Below is a short version.

1 Improve your diet. More vegetables, whole fruits and protein. No junk food! Limit sugars and starches.
Second At least three months on the GFCF diet. No bread or milk products.
Third Add digestive enzymes, vitamins and minerals.
4th Test of thyroid function and iodine levels.
5th A comprehensive digestive stool analysis and urinary organic acids. Use of both tests for intestinal yeast or bacteria. If necessary, treated with antifungals, probiotics, and possibly antibiotics. I try to specific carbohydrate diet to starve the yeast and / or bacteria.
6th Test for amino acids and, if necessary, add.
7th Test plasma sulfate and glutathione. If it is low, the supplement.
8th Use the chelation challenge to find heavy metal toxicity. If levels are high, sorry.
9th Try more nutrients. Essential fatty acids, DMG / TMG, methyl-B12
10.Mega B6 with magnesium (8 mgper lb of body weight and 4 mg. The £ Chalk) This is especially important if Kryptopyrole test levels high.
11th Test and treat any viral infection.
12th ABA and RDI therapy is very important.

These steps should be followed in order. Your regular pediatrician should be helpful in recommendations for these tests. Please encourage your doctor to go on the day of the conference! They will not only see what you're struggling, but they can register the day, and get a better understanding of all these tests you request. There is no doubt of their duties will be to see more traffic.

happy and healthy children
The large site is AutismRecoveryVideos.org. You can watch videos of children who have recovered from autism. Do not forget the tissues, because if you are a parent with an autistic child, will cry! These parents have used biomedical treatment.

This diet will not only help your child. It is very healthy, and I promise you that your entire family will feel better. GFCF means gluten and casein free. That means no bread, milk, or any additives or preservatives. Once you get used to eating, it comes quite naturally. When you start the GFCF diet, keep a diary date that eliminates certain foods. Be sure to space moving van, because some children have bad reactions to foods are removed from their diet. Parents have seen a wide range of benefits from the diet. Some children have begun to speak, most were quiet and usredotočeni.Veliki bonus is decreased, the regularity and consistency of bowel movements. For more information about the GFCF diet, see squidoo.com / GFCF.

There are many types of therapies used by parents to treat their child's autism. Speech, occupational, physical, ABA, RDI, and massage are among the most popular.

Here's my opinion. It is not based on facts or statistics, just my personal experience. You must find what works for your child. I was never a big fan of speech therapy for my son. My daughter was in ST at one time and it really helped her a lot ... But she says. My son never spoke of autism. In my opinion, the ST is great when the speech already. Hopefully, I'll be able to be after his recovery. Work really helps in getting the child familiar with the therapy setting and can be helpful. My son was much louder when the OT, because he likes a lot of activity. Therefore, we combined the OT ST to encourage speech. I can not say enough about ABA therapy. I saw a lot of progress with the children taking these therapies. My son is in the ABA, and I believe it whole-heartedly. RDI is a very intensive therapy. It's something to start if the ABA is not making any improvements in your child. Massage therapy has proven very useful among many autistic children. Relax, focus, and improvements in the behavior of some of the many benefits.

I would probably try and order, with the exception of massage therapy. If I could go back, my son will be getting it all together. For more information. the ABA, see [http://www.squidoo.com/abatherapy ].

Bottom Line
Bottom line is, parents of autistic children are really resilient, and they are fighters. You're going to haggle with doctors, read tons of information, take lots of notes, and spend a fortune on food and learning supplies.There will be much harder to put obstacles in front of you, but you beat them. Every day, you will look in your child's face and know that you are doing everything humanly possible for them. Are you a parent? This is what we do best.

READ MORE - Reverse Autism

Healthy Ways To Perform Chelation In Children With Autism

On the immersion of new autism treatments are not all May be scientifically based. We as parents and supporters of Victory autism, have to look at the big picture, and what treatment is mostly used for people with autism and the family unit, he / she is in. autism treatment should be considered in the cost / benefit perspective. You as a parent or guardian may have cost years, depending on your child's IQ and degree of autism. Also, some treatments, if unproven without sufficient scientific data may have consequences for years now. A lot of time in medicine believe that the treatment is dangerous, given the results of those who used it early. Many of the slimming pills is an example of this. It is a miracle in weight loss, but, after several years of use had a bad (deadly side effects ).

Chelation is expensive and not dokazane.Lijek for lead poisoning is used, when no one can confirm that the child really has lead poisoning or mercury poisoning when autism. Chelation is an extreme form of treatment, will cause problems with your pocket book, but possibly with their child's health (this is not scientifically proven). I found an article on the site called "quack watch" by Dr. Stephen Barnett, "he answered my question: Are urine test for mercury and lead is correct, and where they live and lead a secreted chelation takes place He stated that alive. excreted in urine as a lead, and most of the time in clinics DMSA was given to challenge the results before the results of tests given.

What Dr. Barnett does this, I will explain their findings in language everyone can understand. He said, when given DMSA patient before a urine test, this test is triggered. He states in his articles that the majority of practitioners who do not give a dose of DMSA chelation urine before. He said the next few hours, mercury and lead will be high in the urine (more than 30 U / L is not considered high in mercury or lead)-since these substances are excreted from the system through urine. Then the doctor will tell you that the patient has high levels of mercury and lead in urine. -A, they are mercury and lead in their system (high has not been established)-but probably more because of the large amounts of lead and mercury are excreted when DMSA was given early. When someone DMSA-they need to excrete mercury and lead.

Chelation treatment is expensive, there is no scientific data to support it. However, the American Cancer Society and American Heart Association recommends one to two glasses of wine a day for the antioxidant svojstva.Cancer Society recommends feels antioxidants for cell renewal, American Heart Association to open the arteries with plaque fighting. Cell renewal is good, it keeps the good cells to produce and deleted all the "polluters" of the body that must be. Things such as surface levels of mercury and lead.

The wine is bitter, but I do not know if I feel comfortable to give two glasses of wine a day for a child younger than 15 years ... So, I would recommend antioxidants that are made with whole food ingredients that do not work chelation (removal of substances from outside the system) and have high nutritional value. Using this type of product, a child with autism will benefit in the diet (as most are picky eaters and do not get the necessary nutritional requirements), and then if chelation is a cure for autism - you've done the surface chelation - a very safe through diet.

READ MORE - Healthy Ways To Perform Chelation In Children With Autism

Autism - Handling an Autistic Child

autism seems to be a leading Mental disorders currently. But just what is autism?

autism, normally growing children in the head, is described as a developmental disorder that carries impaired communication, emotional detachment and excessive rigidity. There are two types of autism - regressive and non-regressive . Autism, the development of children from about 18-months-of-age, known as autism when children begin to lose language and other special events. Non-regressive autism occurs from birth.

How do I know my child is autistic?

When children are born with Down syndrome, it is difficult to trace autism in them then it is to trace the non-Down's syndrome child. Social and emotional development is delayed in the autistic child. If monitoring of autism in Down's syndrome child is near impossible for you, look out for the following.

autism loneliness - In general, children with Down syndrome are loveable and enjoy hugging and love embrace. No child with autism is usually preferred to himself. Autistic children to consider people as objects rather than people.

unchanging routines - Even a slight change can cause a child with autism go berserk. Sameness breeds familiarity to them.

lack of eye contact -. Autistic children do not make eye contact, but instead they often look 'right through' people

repetitive motion -. It has been observed that autistic children can sit for a long time, while waving an object and stare at the

How do I, as parent, child cope with autism

of autistic children often display intense emotion. Ms. Pillay is a mother whose 5-year-old son, Somesh, was diagnosed with mild autism. "Although this is only a mild autism, he is extremely sensitive and crying over nothing at times. He is in a normal kindergarten, but when these episodes take place, it must be separated until calm. Sometimes he stared into oblivion for hours," explains Ms. Pillay on Somesh.

Somesh is a condition of mild autism is nothing beyond the ordinary. Working with an occupational therapist is probably best for both Ms. Pillay and her son. Autistic children suffer from seizures, ranging from mild to severe, from time to time. When a child is seizing, never move it if it is a danger of falling down stairs, etc. Try to gently turn the child on his side and loosen clothing around the neck.

If a holiday celebration coming up, to plan wisely. Gifts and toys do not make a difference in children with autism. Ms. Webber recalls his daughter Christina, now 16, back in the old days when everyone would be busy tearing open their presents on Christmas morning. Christina, 5, will sit and watch, centered on the ornament hanging from a tree. "She never touched the present, even when we unwrapped her gifts for her, she would just ignore us, the gifts and just about everything else in the room," recalls Ms. Webber with tears. Instead of toys, baby shower you with love and care, which according to most therapists are what many autistic children are missing today.

What happens if it does not cure autism?

If left untreated, children with autism social skills and ability to speak does not develop učinkovito.Broj children recover from autism, without any help is extremely low.

What treatments are available for autistic children?

there is no cure for autism, but there are many treatments available for autism. However, a treatment that suits the child can vary from individual to the next. Listed below are the ones who are not only popular, but have seen good effects as well.

behavior modification -. Highly structured and skill-oriented activities that are based on patient needs and interests is carried out with a therapist and extensive caregiver

Communication Therapy -. Autistic patients who are unable to communicate verbally, communication therapy is used to initiate the development of language

dietary modifications - From time to time, changing the diet may improve digestion and tolerance or food allergies can be eliminated and the time of behavioral problems (caused by the tolerance or allergy ) can be reduced.

autistic child can be as different or similar to a normal child, depending on how you look at it and treat. At the end of the day, it is your child and always will be. No amount of denial or leaving it for a long time in the schools special needs will change. It's time for every parent to make a difference and embrace the child who is he, and not for what he is.

READ MORE - Autism - Handling an Autistic Child

Understanding The Differences Between Aspergers and Autism

Autistic Disorder or Autism is a developmental disability that has a major impact on normal brain development. This affects the cognitive components that are significant for social integration and everyday living skills. People who suffer with autism have deficits in the social interaction and communication skills.

Children and adults alike, who have been diagnosed with autism typically have difficulty with normal verbal or non-verbal communication such as eye-to-eye contact, facial expressions, body postures and general gestures associated with simple interactions.

Basically, normal peer relationships are reduced due to lack of social skills. People with autism tend to migrate toward exclusive activities. Unfortunately, this disease also affects the self-help daily life skills. It affects toileting, feeding, dressing and / or brushing teeth, etc. In addition, a person with autism may experience very different symptoms and behaviors of the following.

Therefore, a wide range of symptoms, autism is called "Spectrum" Disorder. Specifically, a person who is suffering with mild autistic symptoms is at one end spektra.Osoba with severe autistic symptoms is at the other end of the spectrum. Autism is now often referred to as autism spectrum disorder (ASD). One of the conditions of ASD Asperger's Syndrome.

Asperger's Syndrome is a form of autism disorder in which people have a relatively minor developmental delays. Asperger syndrome is actually said to be hereditary as well as researchers at the same time was diagnosed with depression and bipolar illness. Asperger syndrome is applied to identify the mildest and highest functioning end of autism spectrum. This is a high functioning form of autism. Therefore, on a mild autism spectrum. There is no prescribed treatment regimen of this disease,. But adults can live productive, independent lives

Three basic aspects of development are affected Aspersers. They use language for communicative purposes and certain behaviors with stylistic features, social cohesion and social skills, and a limited but intense range of interests.

Interestingly, the language is lucid before age four. Although speech is sometimes repetitive, the grammar is usually very good. Their voices tend to be flat and emotions. Individuals with Aspergers are obsessed with complex topics and is often described as eccentric. Ironically, they are above-average range in verbal agility, but many have dyslexia, writing problems, and difficulties with matematike.Pojedinac Autism Asperger's is a socially aware, however, displays inappropriate reciprocal interaction. Their movements may be clumsy or awkward, and they represent unusual forms of self-stimulatory behavior.

The main characteristic of Aspergers syndrome makes your children unique and fascinating is their peculiar field of "special interest". This is very different from typical autism to those children's interests are more likely to be objects or parts of objects.

Asperger's Syndrome children are fascinated with the intellectual dynamics of the case. Even before attending school, these children will show an obsessive interest in areas such as mathematics, science, reading or even some aspect of history or geography.

Another major characteristic that identifies Autism Aspergers from the typical Autism is the socialization deficit. In most cases, children with AS Express a desire to fit in socially. Typical Autism victims suggest complete exclusion and loneliness. In fact, as individuals tend to become frustrated because they are not able to communicate appropriately.

Finally, the use of language skills is to be used to determine whether the child should be diagnosed with autistic disorder or Asperger syndrome. As children the language skills that are very strong and tends to be very specific. As children have difficulty dealing with humor, a tendency not to joke and laugh at odd times because they have difficulty with give or take a call, because their conversations tend to be self-oriented. So, these are differences that identify each as a separate disease trouble because they are very difficult to diagnose.

READ MORE - Understanding The Differences Between Aspergers and Autism

Autism/Asperger's Syndrome: Parent Support

Parents of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) to benefit from support in navigating and dealing with the community, school system, and society as a whole. (Not only do we strive for our children, we must learn to take care of themselves.) Some proposals to support these requirements and needs of children with ASD / PDD are listed below.

Support for your needs:

Parents who have children with ASD / PDD must refrain from self-blame.

(insensitive comments of others, while potentially harmful and annoying, not a reflection on you. These remarks stem from insecurity and / or lack of information. Help educate others to share our knowledge. Positive words will not only help to inform, but will reflect positively on you and your child .)

Do not be afraid to ask questions.

to talk with a trusted person, ask for their suggestions and gather information from sources you trust.

Although it is difficult, you have to make time for yourself! You may not, if you have exhausted your own resources. Carve out a small space of time to take care of yourself and cherish!

supporting children with ASD:

of each child's needs are unique and must be recognized as an integral part of his or her overall development.

type of educational setting that is most useful depends on your age and specific needs of your child.
Creative and flexible approach seems to be proved as beneficial to your child's needs will vary depending on age, severity of autism, changes in the environment (home and school), and physiological changes.

During the day, a child with autism will experience a wide range of situations which require leadership. Be prepared for the unexpected. Remember when all else fails, laugh!

for ongoing support with your child's education, social skills development is critical for academic and lifelong success.

Children with autism often especially sensitive and responsive, and the patience and compassion when the acquisition of appropriate social skills. The relationship between families, schools and communities is critical.

in becoming an advocate for our child, the information is essential. Start caring for themselves. Place your needs and your child to be the first. Access to written materials, articles, books about autism, and many informative web sites that provide up-to-date information on research and autism. Talk with your health care providers, other parents with children with autism, your child's caregivers and teachers, and participate in support groups. Trust in your intuition and ability to nurture their child.

READ MORE - Autism/Asperger's Syndrome: Parent Support

Autism and the Teenage Years

It is difficult for autistic children at any age, but teens may be particularly challenging. Autism is a disorder that manifests itself with the individual have difficulty communicating and managing a variety of social situations. Along with this, there are repetitive behaviors and difficulty with emotional kontrole.Teen years perhaps the most social time of our lives. This is a time where young people learn about themselves, and moving rapidly toward adulthood. This is an incredibly social time where what you say and how you behave are very important in the eyes of your peers. It is also the exact time in which autistic teens face some of the stress of their young lives.

Like any teenager, they need help in coping with their increasing sexuality. Some people find that they reach their teenage years, their behavior improved. However, for others, their behavior may deteriorate as a direct result of the tension and confusion in connection with these difficult times

This can be at this age that most teenagers become more aware of how different from their peers. They may notice that they do not have many friends or any that are not dating or planning for a career. For some, this feeling of not fitting in can motivate them to learn more social skills to better blend in, for others it means to withdraw into themselves even more.

There are different levels of autism. Many people believe that the description of the autistic man, Dustin Hoffman in "Rain Man" pretty much sums up all people with autism. There are cases of autism are on the trail Hoffman character in the film, but there are just as many, if not more, cases of high-functioning autistic people. High functioning autistic people can be difficult to detect in time. In many cases, unless you know personally, you may not be able to say that they have autism.

So, what is life like for an autistic teen? This is a difficult question to answer. Again, it depends on the severity of autism is present in teenagers. High-functioning autistic teens attend regular classes and awards, are involved in school activities, and despite some social difficulties, it is often difficult to distinguish from other children their age. On the other hand, it is difficult autistic teens are much more difficult. Many require special schools and individual savjetovanje.Velika most difficult autistic teens are not able to care for themselves and rely on others to meet their basic needs.

Since autism causes problems in communication, most autistic teens do not learn how to behave in accordance with the norms of the sociological experience. They should be taught the right way to ponašaju.Nemogućnost to fit into the appropriate social situations can be traumatic and lead to a tendency to separate from the particular situation, whether it relates to the game, school or work and just leave the situation. This can make difficult to raise an autistic teen, especially if they show severe symptoms.

There are tons of resources on the Web and in libraries that can provide you with more information about autism and the teenage years. If you have an autistic teen living at home, you know what a challenge to cope with enormous problems in communication. Often, this may seem like your child does not want to be close to you, but you must realize that this is a result of their autism, but a reflection on you as a parent.

It is clear that, having autism as a teenager can be very difficult. If your child has a low-or high-functioning, there are various resources available through the local school system. Schools are mandated to provide services for autistic and other developmentally challenged individuals. It's a good idea to discuss routines and procedures you have in place with officials from the school, so that the transition between home and school goes as smoothly as possible to give your teen with as much help and support as possible at this time.

as an essential guide to autism, my book gives more details on the management of autism and the many treatment options. To learn more, visit the Essential Guide to Autism.

READ MORE - Autism and the Teenage Years

15 Autism Strategies For Managing Autistic Children

Management of an autistic child can be difficult at times, why has autism strategies in place can make the difference between coping and feeling osvaja.Strategije not be difficult or complex, it is really just a matter of ensuring that your child feels safe, comfortable and calm, so that they can grow and develop in a positive environment.

It is important to remember that a number of behaviors Autistics are those that have been developed to ensure the security and certainty in a world that surrounds them. Some of the behaviors of autistic child naturally develops are designed to exclude situations considered too difficult to handle. Thus, applying the right approach can help a parent reach their autistic child, instead of being excluded.

It is important to remember that a number of behaviors Autistics are those that have been developed to ensure the security and certainty in a world that surrounds them. Some of the behaviors of autistic child naturally develops are designed to exclude situations considered too difficult to handle. Thus, applying the right approach can help a parent reach their autistic child, instead of being excluded.


1 Provide a predictable environment and daily routine

2 Prepare your child ahead of any changes that need to happen on a routine, do not spring surprises on them. Keep in mind the changes should be made ​​only when absolutely necessary.

3 Activities should have a structure.

4 Distractions should be kept to a minimum, especially when communicating, so do not try to compete with TV or a lot of background noise when giving instructions.

5 Make sure you have a child full attention when you are trying to communicate with them.

6 When giving instructions that should be simple and straightforward so that there is no room for misunderstandings.

7 When instructions are given, you need to allow enough time for your child to process them. Autism strategies require patience -. Do not rush your child

8 Try to use visual aids such as flash cards or picture in communication as these can help get your message across and cement understanding.

9 Try to be as consistent as possible with everything you do involves your autistic child. This includes penalties.

10 If autistic individuals do not carry, he / she requires a "safe" place where you can retreat to calm down and de-stress.

11 If your child does not cope with the situation, consider if the cause (IE confusion, stress, fear, pain, or excessive stimulation) could be a factor, and try to remove that cause.

12 When stress levels are reduced and autistic, encourage them to return to group activities or situations.

13 He speaks at school if a buddy system could be introduced in order to provide academic and social support. It involves pairing autistic children with non-autistic peers.

14 Before you try to change or discourage behavior that you think is inappropriate, consider carefully if this is necessary, as well as the behavior you are trying to reduce can replace something worse.

15 Do not get autism behaviors personally, find ways to de-stress yourself and remember that laughter is often the best medicine when you're at your wits end.

To learn more autism coping strategies Sign up for a free newsletter below.

In addition, parents should keep in mind that education is one of the best autism strategy can be applied in their efforts to manage their child autizam.Više information is known about autism, it is easier to handle and understand the needs of Autistics, and help them provide the best environment for growing up in

READ MORE - 15 Autism Strategies For Managing Autistic Children

Biomedical Autism Treatment - Cerebral Folate Deficiency and Autism

more research comes out about the issue in many children with autism dealing with cerebral folate deficiency. Cerebral folate deficiency can cause problems with speech, cognition, awareness, focus, etc. and is something that is treatable.

Today I want to talk to folic acid, folinic acid, and some new research that was recently released in the cerebral folate deficiency in autism. Cerebral folate deficiency has been known about in the medical community for several years. Children often have poor growth, speech problems, nervous system problems, attention issues, understanding the problem, and many times, at an early age, their heads stop growing normally. When testing is done on children with these issues, what's called antibody testing, you discover folate immune reactions that occur traffic folic acid receptors.

Speaking of folate uptake, and many times people think about folic acid, but that is effectively used for brain growth and development must be transported across the blood in the cerebral spinal fluid, and then into the brain tissue. If there are antibodies that block the receptors, they then have the issue where an increase in blood levels of folic acid, but the cerebral spinal fluid levels drop, and then issues with folate deficiency occur.

There is also a past and current research confirms the fact that the number of children with autism have the folic acid receptor antibody transport. My tests with my patients confirmed the trend. Dr. Frye and Dr. Rossignol, scientists and physicians involved in the biomedical field and they are looking at this problem for awhile. They have seen marked improvements in areas such as speech, highlighting, note, general awareness, etc. When these children are given high-dose folinic acid. These doses are higher than they would get in a regular supplement, it will be the prescription dose is complex. Many of these children have tried a variety of biomedical therapy without responding very well so this is very exciting information.

I would suggest you look more into this area. You can find more information about cerebral folate deficiency in autism, and especially to Mr. Frye and Dr. Rossignol. I think it would be very worthwhile. My website, AutismActionPlan.com, also has much more information about the cerebral folate deficiency and autism in parents' forum. You can also ask questions there every day I was on this topic or other biomedical issues related to autism.

READ MORE - Biomedical Autism Treatment - Cerebral Folate Deficiency and Autism

Autism, Seriously Funny

"Humor can be used as a Thérapeute-C tool for pain. In fact, the medical community has documented positive effects of h-Ealing laughter ."

My son has autism. Whe-n is diagnosed, the pain was unbearable. I was a depressing day, type-R all this is not something that an antibiotic will help.

As the weeks and months passed, I began to notice a sympathetic and highly skilled talent in my boyfriend. Howeve-r "shadow" is still in my belly.

I became unemployed last year, and I began to write and write and write about my son's behavior that might interprete-D in two ways clear.

I became unemployed last year, and I began to write and write and write about my son's behavior that might interprete-D in two ways clear.


I became unemployed last year, and I began to write and write and write about my son's behavior that might interprete-D in two ways clear.


I became unemployed last year, and I began to write and write and write about my son's behavior that might interprete-D in two ways clear.


I became unemployed last year, and I began to write and write and write about my son's behavior that might interprete-D in two ways clear.


Here is the opening of the story:

Today is 10 January 2010.

I just asked my son Elijah, who is fifteen years, shut down your computer and the TV and go to spavanje.Crtani was watching a bunch of different voices and sound effects that are driving us crazy, and said: "Good , dad, "and then turn them off in front of me and jumped into bed. I closed the door and walked into my room when I heard that same trick coming out of his room again. So I got really annoyed and hurried back to his room, opened the door, and said: "I thought I told you to shut off those stupid cartoons!" But he was still in bed, and his computer and the TV is still off. So I asked him what was happening. "I just heard these sounds crazy again," I said sheepishly him.He said: "Well, ok, you caught me. To me it is." "What do you mean" it was you? "So, he began work four or five different voices, asking questions and answering them in full conversation, back and forth, body and facial expressions in full force. I was standing in the door, smiling, and with awe, again .

This article was written to offer a view on autism from different trees. I'll share with you the view is very talented boy, who is fun, fascinating, hysterically funny and cute, and incredibly pain in the butt, depending on the binoculars themselves build.

diagnosis of autism can be a death blow to parents who might be left feeling like there is no hope at all. I know, I did not feel no different it.But Jimmy Stewart in It's a wonderful life, which demonstrated that jumping into the icy water of death is not entitled, or only, way to deal with such overwhelming grief, as well as hand diagnosis of autism follows the same logic. In the film, Clarence Stewart says the figure: "Look at how things turned out to be without you." It is only then realizes that it is indeed a "wonderful life ."

We hope that you who are suffering, "Clarence moment" that allows you to accept your loved one has autism every day, and like a phoenix, rise from what you have felt May's ashes. Through sharing our experiences and knowledge, and most importantly the best remedy for all the laughs-we hope you will find hope in our stories.

READ MORE - Autism, Seriously Funny

Early Days of Autism

Autism is a developmental disorder that, at first, it may be difficult for parents to recognize. Sometimes there are subtle differences in the child's parents can not see, and sometimes dramatic, sweeping changes that are occurring and can be alarming to watch. This is the account of the differences between my son when I first started noticing that things are different about him, when he first got diagnosed with autism, and finally, it seems that now he's almost a teenager.

Brandon, birth to 1 year
Brandon was born a normal, happy dijete.Malo to a few side but full term, though. He was smiling most of the time and giggly and had almost no problems when it comes to go to sleep. He only cried when he was hungry, need changing diapers, or for some reason, he was in pain. "Perfect" child. Brandon continued to be happy after he turned age. Back then I was a nurse from our local WIC (Women, Infants and Children), Office of Brandon come and give a 1-year assessment to see how it is developing. She seemed very pleased with his progress, but she noted that it is strange that not even trying to talk. He just turned 1-year-old though so she kind of shrugged it off and said, "Well, perhaps it is precisely in concentrating on all the other new things like learning how to walk and he will catch up in a month or two. "But his" hunting "never came. He learned about 10 words total in this age think, not much more.

Autism at 1 Year Reminder:

* Little or no eye contact
* The use of incomprehensible and meaningless sounds more than words
* Focusing on the part of the toy, not a toy in the whole
* Do things that are as soothing rocking, singing or bouncing for a long time

Brandon, 3 years
When Brandon turned 3 years old and had a review with their doctor, I definitely noticed a difference between him and other children his age. These kids are talking in full sentences and Brandon is still using incomprehensible and strange sing-songy voice with words that no one else understands. I told my doctor, "He does not speak right, he is 3 years and usually only indicates the fact that you get what you want or just go and get them myself." The doctor told me not to worry about it too. He would probably catch up when he entered kindergarten. I, as a first time mother and the doctor taking his words, because, after all, he was professional, listened to it, although my maternal instincts were screaming at me to look into it further. But both of his doctor, and my mother, who was raised not only me but my two brothers as well, does not seem to think that Brandon delay that is a big problem. So, I have them at their word and let things go a few years to see what happens.

His sleep are messed up by this time too. Brandon will stay in bed, bouncing on his knees from 9 am to 3:00 and finally settle down to sleep around 4 am had to be ready at 5 o'clock in the morning to go to work, I was exhausted. When I brought Brandon home from my mom's home after work, he will take the floor in sleeping wherever he stood at that time. He could be in the kitchen floor, living room, halfway on the couch and halfway off. When he felt tired he would lay down.

Autism in 3 years Reminder:

* still use a lot of gibberish instead of real words most of the time
* Obsessively covering objects and toys in rows, instead of playing with them appropriately
* Is the disturbance in sleep patterns and can not seem to sleep right away when he's tired
* Little or no eye contact or one-on-one communication

Brandon, kindergarten and beyond
After I had registered for kindergarten and Brandon went to orientation, you've got a very loše.Druga kids are all out with coworkers to play on the playground while their parents were inside talking to učiteljem.Pomoćnici came within a couple of times to me so that I could I make my son to stop doing things that he's not supposed to do. Brandon kept throwing woodchips on the playground floor in the air and they will fall to other children. Then the other children in the face and invade his personal space. He would jump on things is not supposed to jump off and he began to cry hysterically when colleagues asked him to stop, he wanted his mom.

I brought up these concerns with her teacher and she is from the Centre in early childhood, where he evaluated by a psychiatrist who determined that Brandon is autistic. Brandon never go to kindergarten. He went to the early childhood center, which is a pre-school for a year and then was enrolled in a special school that is only for autistic children called the Illinois Center for Autism. He has been there ever since and is now 12 years old. Brandon does not speak in full sentences now, although he still refers to himself in third person a lot of time. He asks questions and makes eye contact and tell me about things that happened in his time, though it is on its way, and when he feels like it is when someone asks


Autism at 5 years Reminder:

* There is still little or no man-on-one communication or eye contact
* Does weird things like cover your hands or fingers in the film before his face
* Points for what he wants or uses other people as a "tool" to do things instead of words to ask for them
* I do not understand the concept of risk and may run away or wander unexpectedly

To this day, Brandon is still having trouble getting to sleep at night, but the problem is that virtually all autistic people. One of the doctors who saw Brandon recommended that I give him 1 mg. or less melatonin fix this problem. He still has trouble figuring out what personal space and will be until the alien face, then he does not understand why a stranger looking at him funny or gets angry at him. For the most part, however, there have been major efforts to improve in Brandon. He can carry on a conversation in a way that is rather one-sided, but I'd rather hear him talk about whatever is on his mind then shows complaining that he used to do. He can ask me questions and will now answer the questions that I ask him. He still does not understand the concept of danger, but it is still practiced daily on the "rules" that follow. It just goes to show you that autism can get better with proper training and little time. I expect that there will be many more improvements in the life of Brandon look forward to. There is always hope for autistic persons.

READ MORE - Early Days of Autism
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