Today, thousands of families are faced with either mild or severe autism situation, developing shortly after their children vaccinated. It showed a video and photographs that the children are normal before vaccination.
More and more children are diagnosed with mild or severe autism and just general learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, ADD or ADHD. There is increasing evidence that thimerosal, is known internationally as thimerosal, used in vaccines may be the cause. Mercury is the main ingredient in thimerosal, which is a vaccine preservative.
There are many symptoms of severe autism, which is almost identical to that of mercury poisoning. Virtual disorders, immune dysfunction and motor dysfunction are seen in oba.Terapije for children with severe autism focus on the removal of heavy metals, including mercury has shown great improvement in their symptoms. However, much caution will be given, since many chelators to work too quickly and can damage the baby. Mineral supplements that include zinc, calcium and magnesium, selenium, vitamin E, and chromium, showed that more useful.
Jenny McCarthy Book of Healing and preventing autism, co-author Dr. Jerry Kartzinel, MD, of the essential minerals are exactly the supplements that they recommend and the claim is used in successful programs oporavak.Problem autism is that 99% of people not getting their recommended dose of these essential minerals -. Due to modern farming techniques and world environmental pollution
Other important natural foods and supplements that Dr. Kartzinel recommended for mild and severe autism include recovery of colostrum, and cod liver oil.
Raw milk camels also proved very useful -. But most people have never heard of this option, nor do they have no idea where to get it
Studies have shown that vitamin D3 supplements shown to reduce symptoms of severe autism. The culprit food to take note of are:. Gluten, pasteurized cow's milk, preservatives, hydrogenated oils, artificial sweeteners and coloring agents
Although there is no specific test for autism, the diagnosis may be observing the behavior of the child. Usually, parents are often the first to realize that their child is not acting in accordance with the age level.
severe autism, a brain disorder that can cause harmful and withdrawn behavior is growing rapidly especially evident in the Somalis people who have emigrated to Minnesota from refugee camps in Kenya.
In rural Somalia, where there is no vaccine, severe autism is virtually non-existence. Those Somalis children who were born in the United States developed severe autism. Many in the alternative health research community argue that there is little doubt that Thimerosal consists of 49.6 percent of the mercury is a factor in severe autism.
To reduce the symptoms of autism (or ADD, ADHD), avoid toxic therapies for autism, autism diagnosis and understanding of one overwhelmed with information. We provide free phone consultations anywhere in the world in order to sort through what you read to find what shows the real results.
We believe that when you get the answers you are seeking your life will change and the diagnosis of autism will be something that no longer puts the financial and emotional strain on your life.
There are a lot of money to the false promises of those inside and outside the medical community. Our goal is to provide real help to those in need - anywhere in the world
mild to severe autism or ADD, ADHD, does not mean the end of a wonderful life - until the beginning of the journey where you will be blessed with health information that can benefit not only their autistic child, but also yourself and those you love.
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