Selasa, 01 November 2011

Autism That Blank Stare

The numbers continue to climb. 1-166 children develop autism each year. Why? They said that mercury in vaccines. Then they could not exclude the possibility of genetic distribution. It is a guessing game. Unlike most other disorders and diseases that cause a person to become disabled, autistic brain is still a mystery.

Autism has varying degrees of disability. They call it a spectrum disorder because they are oppressed can be very high functioning and incredibly technical. They are so focused on one topic. This is a category that many professors are falling in. They are the one specialty that they know absolutely everything about it, but I can not remember your birthday? Probably not, but I can tell you what happened in their area of ​​eighty years. This is called Asperger's syndrome, a variation of autism. Then you are very low functioning people on the autism spectrum, who are barely able to communicate. My nephew is one of the low functioning of the categories on the spectrum.

Many people wrongly assume that autistic people are a genius at something. They say things like, "Oh, I saw Rainman, can he do?" Then I go into this long story about autism, and what they are talking about is formally known as Savant autism, and no, he can not count cards so that he does not come to Vegas to you.

in his autistic world, he just wants to stay at home and drive my mom crazy. He likes to watch Winnie the Pooh video, and it will rewind the same sentence over and over and over and over and over and over and over ... you get the idea. It's enough to drive a non-autistic people mad. Then one day, we heard him sing. He was nine. He sang along with Carly Simon on the Winnie the Pooh song. He hates it when people sing, he would cover his ears, but he loves Carly Simon. It was the first time we've ever heard him sing. We almost cried. Still gives me goose-bumps.

How do you tell if your child has autism? This is a question we hear often. There are free rating scales are available on the web today. You will need an expert opinion, and if the diagnosis of autism is made, you can try to find funding from state or local government. There are local support groups available throughout the United States for parents and siblings. Some states do more to help families with children with disabilities than others, so we recommend you look at what regulations your state has.

In the case of my nephew, we knew something was wrong, when all the other kids doing things that he does not work. He did not want to play with other children. He acted as if they were not there. To this day, he does not play with toys or other children. He could care! He was the formation of sentences one day and then it just stopped. He lost the ability to communicate. He stopped eating. He stopped everything. Instead of moving forward in its capabilities, it is as if time had started to go backwards.

on your Christmas gifts will sit there if you do not hand him an opening. He was content to just have him back a video. He's an empty look. It was unmistakable. You can see it in every school picture. He is in school trying to teach him life skills.

He likes to watch the water go down the drain, but now i like to watch it go over the sink and pour over the tub, etc. .. So we are all very careful, because my sister-in law came home to ankle high water in the living room. He must have seen someone watering the lawn, and decided to water the carpet. I took the hose in the house, and just turned it on. Thank God I was not living there at the time, and I had to move.

People will drive down our street, and you can tell your eye movement, a crinkled forehead look of disbelief that some (occasionally), waste a little water. We should turn the water on so he can watch it run down in August Yes, that's true. Sometime we just let. He has no excitement, besides, he likes to watch the water cut way down in August Now before you balk at spending the water, you waste your kids? He would never ride a bike, drive a car, go on a first date, go to the prom, get married, etc. Most important, it will never start saying "I love you" to his mother. When people say, it is to say the first time his response was to back it. Because it is a bit of water in exchange for a little happiness to someone who will never experience these other memorable events in your life?

One of the most important things you can do for their child's autism to him in everyday life. Our chapter of Autism will rent the movie theater for the family, so they can have a family outing. When a new movie coming out, trying to organize a viewing on Sunday morning in Schaumburg, Illinois, in the Loews movie theater. Without them we would not have a place for these children.

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