There are various types of autism, and even one guy did not exactly fall into one category, because many categories of autism as there are people who suffer from autism! To be more complex, some autistic people seem to be quite normal at first glance, while others apparently seem to mentally challenge. Some types of autism can be treated with early diagnosis and therapy, and other severe cases may not respond to treatment.
because autism is so broad, it becomes difficult to define a particular type of autism. However, there is a way to gauge the severity of the disorder which can affect the individual. Many professionals can not accept this method and it is not mentioned in many books either, but autistic individuals could be divided based on IQ level. Those who have IQs lower than 80 are categorized as to the "low-functioning" autism (LFA) group and those who score 80 or more in the IQ test are put into the category of "high-functioning autism '(HFA).
IQ levels notwithstanding, the thing that really defines the level of autism is that regardless of the suffering and how well he can take care of themselves. That is why the concept of using IQ tests to categorize autistic individuals remains controversial to this day.
Many high-IQ autistic people actually May find it very difficult to cope alone with their daily lives, a low IQ victims may face minimal problems with their condition. So the above can not be considered an appropriate benchmark for measuring the degree of autism in the type of individual.
Asperger's syndrome and Kanner
and Asperger's syndrome and autistic disorder, Kanner's syndrome are developmental disorders. In the latest scenario, the main difference between them is that Kanner's syndrome shows a more typical and intense symptoms of autistic disorder.
Kanner's syndrome show no obvious 'slow down' the child's skills, delays in speech development and abnormal operation of the child's social and / or psychological ponaĊĦanje.Dijete shows no interest in their surroundings and play with his toys or other children oko.Simptomi Kanner's syndrome occurring at the time the child is 3 years.
Asperger's syndrome, on the other hand, are not recorded or marked as "significant clinical delay 'in child development. This is a far milder form of autism that responds well to therapy, as well. This is the reason why some schools of thought use the terms "Asperger syndrome" and "high-functioning autism" interchangeably.
autism spectrum disorders
Some experts believe that autism is closely associated with disorders such as Asperger syndrome and sensory integration dysfunction, which involves degeneration of the ability to integrate information from sense organs.
Although some people believe that all of these conditions overlap and have some common genetic trigger that leads to these conditions, nothing can be said about it definitely. Currently, researchers are still trying to find the exact trigger for these other related diseases.
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