Selasa, 01 November 2011

Natural Vitamin and Mineral Supplement Protocol for Autistic Children

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Essential Daily Vitamins and Minerals for autistic children.

I am writing this article for parents of autistic children who are struggling from day to day seeking to find ways to help their children. As a proud parent of an autistic child, I spent thousands of dollars in supplements, various natural and conventional doctors and testing. An avid researcher, I put forward in this article, the basis of my research to safely and naturally help you help your children.

I accredit much of my research breakthroughs in the treatment center Pfeifer, Dr. Garry F. Gordon, Dr. Jeff Bradstreet, Dr. William Shaw, and Dr. Bernard Rimland. When you start the natural way to help your children. Dr. Jethro Kloss, one of the best documenters of alternative medicine is best explained. It takes 6 months medication for each year of trouble when using alternative medicine. Homeopathy and vitamin therapy May present some immediate improvements that you notice within the first month. It takes time. I have found that most parents give up on natural therapies, because it does not work as fast as a drug. Drugs suppress the issue, and natural modalities can offer a way to determine the source of concern in the body to recover the healing process.

I am writing this from my years of heartache and hundreds of hours of research. I have made ​​great breakthroughs with several natural modalities, most of which I present in this article.

My main disagreement with mainstream doctors and medicine is that autism is treated more as a psychological problem. I believe that everyone is treating autism as a psychological disorder going in the wrong direction. Autism is best treated as a biological disorder. Using the principles of naturopathic medicine can borrow more than one answer to this growing diagnosis.

Most doctors and parents have noticed more success in helping autistic children, treating indigestion, eliminate allergies, environmental toxins, diet and nutritional adjustments.

This section does not include medication terapiji.Jedina exception is for the installation of medicines to be used for a short time as the salvation of the child harming themselves if they are very volatile in nature, whereas in combination therapy for the implementation of natural taper off drugs .

Autism is indicated with an altered central nervous system and brain function. It starts with immune dysfunction, allergies, and gastrointestinal dysfunction, which may begin early in a child's age. Natural ways to focus on clearing the digestive tract, which is often a mess of autistic children.

autistic children excrete large amounts of sulfate in their urine approximately ten times more than normal children. This is a great pity that autistic children processed foods such as meat sandwiches, sausages, canned products that are high in sulfate additive. Why? Because when autistic children excreted sulfate also simultaneously drawn from the body cysteine​​. L-cysteine ​​is of vital importance in the production of glutathione which is essential for brain health. Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are often associated with low levels of glutathione. It also causes a build up of autistic children, and not much filter toxins from the body.

Most autistic children have an inability to properly digest protein. This indicated a lack of pancreatic enzymes. This gives a factor in having digestive and gastrointestinal problems. Diarrhea and constipation are often rotated problems because of their ability to store toxins in the body. There is a "leaky gut syndrome," where there May be a small perforation in the gastrointestinal tract mucosa caused by toxins from the bowel to leak into the blood stream. This is indicated by the evidence of lactulose in stool test, which can easily give the child to determine whether they have a leaky gut. Testing can show the presence of protein fragments from incomplete digestion of gluten (wheat) and casein (milk). Comprehensive analysis of the chairs can be done in the comfort of your own home and delivered to a reputable laboratory for testing analizu.Izvor Great Plains Laboratory.

Some of these protein fragments to bind to opioid receptors in the brain. This results in a very hyperactive behavior, aggressive behavior, and inability to focus, keep the memory or attention. These protein fragments from the leaking hose is leaking into the bloodstream and block the opiod receptors in the brain is what drives the abnormal behavior we observe.

Another neurotoxin that can be secreted into the bloodstream from the leaky gut syndrome is Claustridium. Researchers at the University of Michigan describe an interesting case in which the dog accidentally ate the feces of an autistic child and as a result he left in a coma for 7 days. "Researchers have found high claustridial presence of toxins in the fecal matter of an autistic child ."

natural treatment protocol

I'm still very research DMSA chelation. DMSA chelation is done to remove mercury and other heavy metals. Although parents have reported improvements in behavior, do not feel comfortable reporting any research on this topic yet. I've had more success with homeopathic chelation for heavy metal toxicity. I'll describe this protocol in detail the upcoming article.

the best thing that can be done primarily to eliminate the more common allergic foods as possible. These include corn, wheat, soy and nuts. There are parents who have found success removing milk and white and wheat flour-based products.

My child has been on a gluten free diet for four years. I have eliminated all dairy except parmesan cheese. There were some great gluten-free recipes, creating tasty snacks with cheese. I found his behavior to be more calm and focused on this diet. Most parents notice when they accidentally make a mistake and give the child something from the food context, they observe some abnormal behavior soon returned after taking a gluten or casein. It took me about 45 days ago I noticed an improvement. This can vary depending on the level of your child's condition.

Omega-3 fatty acids are great to have. Autistic children are almost always insufficient. Omega-3 is critical for normal neurological development. Dr. Jeff Bradstreet has recommended that 1,000 mg daily is a reasonable starting dose, there are some parents with older children 11 years and up who can safely go as high as 3000 mg.

NAC (N-acetyl cysteine​​), the majority of children with autism are deficient cysteine​​. Many practitioners confirmed this as a basis for treatment. NAC is a precursor to glutathione, an important player in the major pathways of the liver detoxing. The dosage is recommended to start at a low level. 25 mg / day, and every three months increased by 25 mg until you reach up to 200 mg daily.

Probiotics must be implemented. Some doctors wait for a natural heavy GI abnormalities cleared to use them. However, probiotics are safe for children and adults of all ages. I would not recommend čeka.Najbolje species are in the cooler part of many health food stores. It is important to replenish the intestinal flora with healthy for strengthening the immune system. Probiotic supplements are the easiest and safest way to achieve this.

Probiotics must be implemented. Some doctors wait for a natural heavy GI abnormalities cleared to use them. However, probiotics are safe for children and adults of all ages. I would not recommend čeka.Najbolje species are in the cooler part of many health food stores. It is important to replenish the intestinal flora with healthy for strengthening the immune system. Probiotic supplements are the easiest and safest way to achieve this.


Vitamins A, C, E and beta carotene are important antioxidants. Children with autism typically deficient. Pfiefer Treatment Center is recommended for my daughter vitamins in the form of lemon-flavored cod liver oil. I ordered it from. You must keep it in the refrigerator. I gave her a spoonful of the Dixie cup mixed with a touch of natural orange syrup (you can buy flavored syrups from the pharmacist), and initially he'd managed with an oral syringe. Now my daughter is only a Dixie cup on her own. Vitamin CI in raspberry flavored drink powder package called "Emergen C". At first I was a mix ½ teaspoon of crystals with a natural orange flavored syrup in an oral syringe. Currently, my daughter used to drink water. The best vitamin EI have found brings Carlson Labs and Solgar. For younger children you can break a capsule and mixed 400 IU of natural syrup if your child does not swallow capsules.


Zinc picolinate is needed to promote and serotonin and melatonin in the brain. Zinc deficiency is frequently irritable, depressed and difficult to calm. Autistic patients are usually deficient in zinc, magnesium, calcium, I. Calcium and magnesium are best taken in powder form on the bed during zinc picolinate. I previously wrote an article on Associated Content, which explains the importance of taking calcium along with the best way to do this. Pycnogenol is derived from French pine, and L-theanine, made from green tea is effective in improving cognitive function and helps to produce calm, but focused pozornost.Najbolji form of L-theanine I found the orange flavored chewable tablet created by Dr. Michael Murray Focus factors.

co-enzyme Q10 and DMAE (dimethyl aminoethanol) are also recommended for healthy brain function of receptors. Some natural practitioners out in the L-carnitine and / or L-carnosine. I am still investigating the effectiveness of L-carnitine and L-carnosine. I also have a lunch of milk thistle (Silybum marianum). There are tests that show autistic children having liver dysfunction. Milk thistle is the recommended method for cleaning and detoxifying the liver. No, I did not fully evaluated this treatment process.

of selenium can be taken at a dose of 25 mcg / day. This mineral acts as a detoxifying agent detoxification is binding for the living, creating selenium-mercury complexes that can be safely excreted in the urine. It is also an essential part of the production of glutathione peroxidase, an important antioxidant enzymes.

puts it all together

I just name a few recommendations. You are probably wondering how to get your child to be all these things in one day. Most parents treat their children in a natural protocol to manage up to 30-68 different items daily. If your child can swallow capsules divide the dose and select two or three times a day.

you can provide omega-3-A, NAC, probiotics, vitamins A, C, E and CoQ10 breakfast

P5P, Pycnogenol, L-theanine, selenium, Co-Q10 with Lunch

calcium, magnesium, zinc, and the dinner / bedtime.

I have broken this down due to the above recommendations to take breakfast are the optimal time to be ingested and absorbed into the body.

If your child does not swallow capsules

You can mix it in a smoothie, shake or sorbet. Most parents buy a mortar and pestle to crush the capsules (or Pin Hole gel caps and squeeze out liquid or powder). They are mixed in a suspended flavored syrup from your local pharmacy. Flavored syrup used in drinks (strawberry, vanilla, etc.) also work as well.

There are natural compounding pharmacy that can be formulated in this 1-2 capsules for your child. However, I recommend getting them as separate components for the first month, in case you need to adjust the dose so that you can finish what your child needs before compounding formula.

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